Stellies' synergy helps them secure Diski title

We have a head coach who trusts in youth, says Vellios

Neville Khoza Journalist
Stellies at the weekend were crowned the 2023/24 DStv Diski Challenge champions after they defeated Golden Arrows 4-3 in Tsakane, Ekurhuleni.
Stellies at the weekend were crowned the 2023/24 DStv Diski Challenge champions after they defeated Golden Arrows 4-3 in Tsakane, Ekurhuleni.

Stellenbosch Diski Challenge team coach Evangelos Vellios has shared their secret on how they have been getting their development efforts right.

Stellies at the weekend were crowned the 2023/24 DStv Diski Challenge champions after they defeated Golden Arrows 4-3 in Tsakane. They showed character as they fought back from a 2-0 down at halftime, scoring four goals in the second half.

With that win, the Cape Winelands side finished the season with 67 points, one ahead of Mamelodi Sundowns who ended second after thumping Moroka Swallows 6-0.

Vellios, who is pleased with the achievement, said this is the result of the investment the club made in youth as it is paying off now.

"If I look at it from the club structure point of view I think credit to the management who put in a very good structure to get the club aligned from top to the bottom," Vellios said.

"We have a head coach in Steve Barker who trusts in youth. So, it helps us, we train together. I don't do my own thing, I follow the principle that the club has set and how we want to play.

"And there is a pathway and now we have a pipeline that is producing players and it's credit to the club. Ultimately, the guy who deserves more credit is coach Barker because he got the courage to play young players.

"Since the days I was blessed to work with him at Tuks [University of Pretoria], your Andile Jali of this world, it was him and Bongani Zungu [as well]. He [Barker] has an amazing history in SA football."

Vellios also praised his players for beating the nerves at halftime as they bounced back to win the match and clinch their second title in three years.

"We knew what to expect; credit to Sundowns for the part [they played]. To lose the league [with] 66 points [in the bag] must be very painful," he said.

"We had to come up here and I could sense that there were some nerves from all of us because we knew the consequences. We were 2-0 down. The boys were rattled and at half-time we said 'we are not playing our football'.

"If we are going to lose the title on the final day let's go out playing our game with courage and without fear and the boys came out and put up a massive performance. 

"The maturity we showed and the tactical adjustment we made at half time and the boys executed well and I want to give credit to the technical team and the players for their effort."

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